Great Job Descriptions Produce Better Hires

Tips for A More Efficient Recruitment & Hiring Process Today’s employers are dealing with a range of challenges from geo-political volatility to a range of economic / supply chain challenges that are further compounded by the challenge of attracting needed talent.  Despite these challenges, we are finding that it’s very much a candidate-driven market for… Continue reading Great Job Descriptions Produce Better Hires

Leadership recruitment in a post-pandemic world

The identification and attraction of leadership talent are fundamental to the success of any and all organizations; never more so than in times of change and uncertainty. The pandemic has impacted so much of our personal and professional lives and although the fundamentals of leadership recruitment remain, key aspects of the candidate experience require refinement.… Continue reading Leadership recruitment in a post-pandemic world

Key talent acquisition trends for 2022: perspectives from the US

La búsqueda de ejecutivos es un panorama en constante cambio y los tiempos hacen que sea más difícil que nunca competir en los diversos mercados, así como obtener y retener el mejor talento, especialmente en los mercados laborales más grandes. Nos reunimos con nuestra colega en los EE. UU., directora general de Kestria USA: 20/20… Continue reading Key talent acquisition trends for 2022: perspectives from the US

Reaching talent goals in a market with a shortage of candidates

In our recent blog, “How do you attract motivated candidates in a scarce market?” we introduced the concepts of the candidate journey and the candidate experience as vital factors when fostering candidate commitment ensuring the provision of the best, motivated candidates for our clients. This is something we practice every single day as professional ambassadors… Continue reading Reaching talent goals in a market with a shortage of candidates

Boosting gender equality calls for diverse thinking

Diversity and inclusion are hot topics globally. At the forefront of creating a fairer, more equitable and proportional post-Covid world, gender mainstreaming, in particular, is a key focus. Indeed, gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls are key components of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals for 2030. We caught up with Tracy… Continue reading Boosting gender equality calls for diverse thinking