We are your resource for talent across the entire Ag-Food value chain.
With 20 plus years of experience behind us, we have served virtually every sector of the broader agriculture and food value chain or as we refer to it… from dirt to the dinner plate. Watch our video as Xochilt Acosta explain how we serve client organizations in this space.

The task of feeding the world requires talent to efficiently deliver products and services. The QualiFind Group is your resource for securing talent in this complex space. We offer recruiters within this sector that have deep expertise across the agriculture and food value chain. We are US-based with recruiters and research staff throughout the Americas, from Toronto to Sao Paulo and globally from Amsterdam to Singapore.
We offer a high-touch, collaborative search and recruitment service to source, engage and secure talent in any corner of modern agriculture, agribusiness, agriscience, and organic/inorganic food processing. We have deep relationships across the sector formed through years of experience recruiting functional specialists to managerial talent. We can secure talent serving the following sub-sectors of the ag-food value chain:
- Animal Health & Nutrition
- Crop Protection, Soil Health & Nutrition
- Data Analytics, Digitization & AI
- Equipment / Robotics / Precision Ag
- Vertical Farming
- Crushers, Millers & Refiners
- Flavors, Fragrances & Naturals
- Food Ingredients
- Food & Meat Processors
- Aquaculture
- Biotechnology
- Crops (field crops, fruit & nuts)
- Floriculture & Horticulture
- Forestry
- Livestock
- Plant-based Proteins
- Produce
- Alternative Foods
- Biologicals
- Diagnostics
- Food Safety
- Genetics & Traits
- Bio-packaging
- Bio-materials
- Environmental Stewardship
- Organic & Regenerative Agriculture
- Water Preservation & Technologies