How do you attract motivated candidates in a scarce market?

Finding talent is not difficult. Attracting talent is a completely different story. Per Jobindex, “The uprise on the job market continues”. The power dynamic has shifted in favor of candidates making it much harder to “move” the candidates than before. How can companies stand out? What does it take to attract candidates? And how can… Continue reading How do you attract motivated candidates in a scarce market?

The top three corporate-culture focus areas for 2022 and beyond

As we began the 2020’s the direction of corporate culture change was focused on the digitalization of work and how organizations would adapt to this sure change. Then came the pandemic. This global pandemic has affected everyone, especially within our corporate culture. How, when, and where we work are on the agendas of all leadership… Continue reading The top three corporate-culture focus areas for 2022 and beyond

Pandemic leadership: Secrets of success!

The past two pandemic-years have required rapid and lasting change to organisational leadership. Leaders have been called on to not only adapt, but also to reimagine the way they lead and the skills and attributes they draw upon. With a shifting work environment; health, social and economic change, and an overarching veil of uncertainty, some… Continue reading Pandemic leadership: Secrets of success!

Preparation of the Steering Committee of a company

The mission of the steering committee is to project the company into the future, to focus on achieving objectives and to ensure the company’s long-term sustainability and growth. Summarised in this way, without going into detail, this statement is solid for any company in any sector, with any (or most) possible realities, and by extension for… Continue reading Preparation of the Steering Committee of a company

Why talent management needs to change – now

Since March 2020, the businesses around the world have changed the way they manage their talent significantly. The workforce has experienced changes, especially in remote work and relationships between employers and employees. For years talent management in organizations has been locked within the same mental model: This framework still holds true for many organizations, and… Continue reading Why talent management needs to change – now