Ben Verwaayen – keeping the horticulture industry on its toes

Los Países Bajos y el sector agrícola siempre han estado estrechamente conectados. Alrededor del 24 % del comercio mundial de productos hortícolas está en manos holandesas, mientras que el 50 % del comercio mundial de productos florícolas está controlado por empresas holandesas. Holanda es el número uno del mundo en horticultura de invernadero, el productor… Continue reading Ben Verwaayen – keeping the horticulture industry on its toes

The Top 5 leadership skills for 2021

Consumer behaviour and expectations have suddenly leap-frogged and the business must evolve; everyone is playing catch-up. To stay relevant, now is the time to revisit key assumptions of the past. It is an opportunity like none before to reimagine, innovate and transform business and evolve a new medium of interpersonal communication, engagement, and relationship management. … Continue reading The Top 5 leadership skills for 2021

Educational leadership in a post-COVID world

The past six months have been challenging for all within the higher education sector. Leaders have had to respond rapidly, adapt to change and lead teams remotely. And as ANU’s Vice Chancellor, Professor Brian Schmidt recently noted, “We don’t expect to ever return to business as usual post COVID”. So what are the longer-term leadership… Continue reading Educational leadership in a post-COVID world

Developing talent in Life Science organisations – Challenging the concept of a traditional career

Recently, the concept of a traditional career is being challenged, which in turn is steering companies toward constant learning experiences that allow employees to build skills quickly, easily, and on their terms. These new learning models are challenging the traditional concept of a static career and reflect the decline of skills critical to the twenty-first-century… Continue reading Developing talent in Life Science organisations – Challenging the concept of a traditional career

Business unusual – moving on after the crisis

The past few months have seen the world thrown into turmoil; as one popular meme puts it, we’re all awaiting a return to “precedented” times. But we all know that won’t happen. McKinsey calls it The Next Normal. Satya Nadella has crystallised the three phases of recovery (First Response, Adjusting the Dial and No Turning… Continue reading Business unusual – moving on after the crisis