¡Ganando plata en Atenas!

«La fuerza del equipo es cada miembro individualmente. La fuerza de cada miembro es el equipo.» “El valor de un equipo diverso es su capacidad para desafiar la norma o el pensamiento grupal y así impulsar el desempeño organizacional y mejorar la toma de decisiones.” – Yrtha Dinzey Flores Estas dos citas inspiradoras resumen mi… Seguir leyendo ¡Ganando plata en Atenas!

Courage to break Japan’s glass ceiling

Notwithstanding substantial gains made in the West over the past several decades to level the playing field and bring about greater equality between men and women, pay gaps persist, and in many countries, corporate leadership remains heavily dominated by men. Japan continues to be one of the most patriarchal societies on earth, the dominant role… Seguir leyendo Courage to break Japan’s glass ceiling

Breaking the glass ceiling at Grundfos Thailand

Porthip Nat Viphatanaporn joined Grundfos in 1993, soon after the company launched operations in Thailand. After working in a supportive capacity alongside five country managing directors in not so many years, she took a shot at the top post herself and proved her worth in a traditionally male-dominated industry, delivering growth and stability for the… Seguir leyendo Breaking the glass ceiling at Grundfos Thailand

The urgent need to bring humanity back into business: upskill your workforce now, the clock is ticking

The global workplace is changing rapidly. By 2022, the frontier between humans and machines will have shifted significantly. Thus, humanity needs a reboot and will be the real differentiator. Companies are being implored to act now and to upskill their workforce with people skills such as communication, intercultural competencies, complex problem solving and emotional intelligence… Seguir leyendo The urgent need to bring humanity back into business: upskill your workforce now, the clock is ticking