Uno de los pilares de una cultura de retroalimentación efectiva es la comunicación abierta. Solo a través de una comunicación abierta se hace posible una retroalimentación honesta, clara y objetiva. La presencia de una cultura de retroalimentación efectiva permite que los empleados se desarrollen y progresen en sus carreras. Desafortunadamente, las organizaciones a menudo pasan… Continue reading Fostering Feedback Culture. Tips for Cultivating Open Communication at Work
Category: Funcional Themes
Digital transformation goes mainstream
Earlier in 2021, Kestria (formerly IRC Global Executive Search Partners) hosted two virtual roundtable discussions with preeminent members of the global business community representing healthcare, logistics, consulting and education sectors to explore the driving forces behind digital transformation, its applications and the challenges to sustaining the momentum of digitalization. The virtual roundtable discussions yielded rich… Continue reading Digital transformation goes mainstream
Creating a Positive Friendship Culture in the Workplace
An organization’s culture is the backbone of its identity. It’s the shared values, beliefs, and behaviors that define what and who the company is, and how its employees interact with one another. It’s also the blueprint for effective leadership. By creating a positive friendship culture, employees are exposed to an environment that allows them to… Continue reading Creating a Positive Friendship Culture in the Workplace
Aligning Employee Benefits with their Shifting Needs
The COVID pandemic has brought about both societal and economic shifts that have greatly changed how people approach employment. In a recent survey, 77% of workers consider work benefits as an essential part of their compensation and one of the huge reasons why they would stay for a job. The COVID pandemic has brought about… Continue reading Aligning Employee Benefits with their Shifting Needs
Digital transformation drives productivity gains alongside industrial automation
On 27 and 28 April, Kestria (formerly IRC Global Executive Search Partners) hosted virtual roundtables with human resource, marketing, product and technology leaders of industrial automation and supply-chain logistics powerhouses based in North America, Asia Pacific and Europe, to discuss how the accelerated adoption of technology and restrictions on travel over the past year have… Continue reading Digital transformation drives productivity gains alongside industrial automation